SV - met RC Margate en RI President Holger Knaack - Online

mercredi 17 février 2021 19:00-20:30, via Zoom

The Rotary Club of Margate has great pleasure in inviting you and your Members to attend our Zoom meeting on Wednesday 17th February 2021 when RI President Holger Knaack will be our speaker. Holger is a Member of RC Herzogtum Lauenburg-Molln, Germany and we are very proud that he has agreed to attend our meeting, the details of which are attached. Like the rest of us he is in lockdown at the moment but he is still very much in demand and so we are hopeful that everyone takes up this wonderful opportunity to hear him speak.


The link for the meeting is shown below and we are expecting a large turnout on the night. Your Members will, therefore, have to register in advance and preferably not leave it until the day before. Please ask your Members to include your Club name when registering.

There will be some time for questions but we would ask that they are very brief and the same applies to any statements that might be made. This will give the opportunity for more people to participate. To this end any questions can be sent to President Jeremy Voizey in advance. Email:

On the day it will be difficult to monitor who has their hand up so we would ask people use the “raise hand” button in the participants tab so that we can see who is waiting to ask a question.

We will, of course, be delighted if you and your Members can join us for what should be a memorable occasion with participants from 4 European countries, the USA and Sri Lanka (so far!).

Kindest regards, Jeremy Voizey

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 

When: Feb 17, 2021 6 for 6.30pm GMT 

Register in advance for this meeting & include a note of your Club with your surname and name of the club:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


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